Abortion Training Roadmap

Find the resources to become an abortion provider, at any stage of your medical career...

Find the resources to become an abortion provider, at any stage of your medical career...

Abortion Training after Dobbs

Following the Dobbs decision, there may be changes to the training opportunities described here, particularly for those living or working in states with abortion bans and restrictions. New laws and policies may impact clinical and even didactic training in those jurisdictions. They may also affect funding, malpractice coverage, and licensure for away electives and other training opportunities.

Please work closely with your residency program to understand any impact this may have on your training plans. You can also consult the following resources to see the current state of abortion regulations and restrictions and to seek out individualized legal, regulatory, and digital security advice:

Legal/Regulatory Assistance

Policy Trackers

Digital Security Assistance

About the Abortion Training Roadmap

This page provides an overview of abortion training resources and opportunities at every step of the journey to becoming a physician. Though not exhaustive, it consolidates resources that facilitate access to abortion training at your college, medical school, residency program, or workplace.

It is based on a website created by Dr. Roshni Kakaiya, who at the time of its creation was a family medicine resident passionate about abortion training. It is meant to encourage and support others who have similar interests and are looking for guidance and resources. This project was completed with support from the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation through its FM Leads – Emerging Leader Institute program. We at RHEDI are grateful to have worked with Dr. Kakaiya to provide ongoing support for this resource.  We congratulate her on winning the Best Leadership Project Award in her Class of 2020 American Academy of Family Physicians Emerging Leaders Institute cohort for the Abortion Training Roadmap.

RJ Organizations

The Afiya Center uses the reproductive justice framework to bring awareness to the connections between reproductive oppression and the increased transmission of HIV to women of color….
BMMA provides technical assistance, training, and capacity building for grassroots organizations, maternity care service providers, academia, and the public health industry….
Black Women’s Blueprint is a survivor-founded movement to place black women’s lives and concerns within the political, civil and human rights concerns….
After nearly 40 years as CLPP, a program of Hampshire College, we are moving into the next phase of our existence as Collective Power for Reproductive Justice, a national movement-building organization centering reproductive justice. Reproductive justice, a term coined by Black women in 1994, expands the conversation around abortion rights to include the impacts of racism and other intersecting oppressions. Our new name was literally born through the collective input and power of our community, of each of you. Collective Power is an intersectional, intuitive organic coming together of different voices, ideas, and disciplines. Together, we’ll always be working to push the growth edge, to center those most affected by reproductive oppression — to create space for new and radical thought….
Elephant Circle provides coaching, consulting, network building and accessible educational materials in their approach to birth justice. …
EverThrive works to ensure that communities most impacted by injustice in Illinois have the access, resources, health care, and choice to create and sustain healthy families on their own terms. …
Forward Together uses an intersectional approach in their fight to dismantle culture and policy that marginalizes people based on race, sexuality and gender….
For the first time since the civil rights movement there is a national reckoning around race in America. The More Up Campus seeks to participate in this reckoning by finding creative ways to honor the voiceless, the minimized, the ignored. The erection of the “Mothers of Gynecology” monument honors the sacrifice of Anarcha, Lucy, and Betsey, the enslaved experimental subjects of the so-called “father of gynecology,” J. Marion Sims. More Up is located in Montgomery, Alabama, and the “Mothers of Gynecology” monument stands not far from where Sims’s dastardly experiments were conducted. Drawing on a comprehensive re-examination of Sims’s career, and never-before-seen archival documents that reveal the lives and fates of Anarcha, Lucy, and Betsey, the “Mothers of Gynecology” acts as a first step toward teaching and reimagining the true story of the nation, facing the injustice of the past and honoring the courage of overlooked heroes….
MOTHER Lab uses research, advocacy, and mentorship to address and eradicate inequities facing Black women….
The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice grounds its work at the intersection of reproductive health and rights, im/migrant rights, Latino civil rights and liberties, and economic justice….
New Voices for Reproductive Justice uses community organizing, leadership development, and voter engagement to help dismantle patriarchal anti-Blackness. …
SisterReach is a grassroots 501(c)3 nonprofit that supports the reproductive autonomy of women and teens of color, poor and rural women, LGBTQIA+ people and their families….
SisterSong works to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities….
Take Root – Red State Reproductive Justice hosts an annual conference that creates a foundational space for red state connections and organizing. Hosting a conference with a reproductive justice framework helps us see the connection between poverty and food access in rural and urban communities, histories of coercive sterilization of people of color, the disparity in impacts of the criminalization of drugs and its effects on families, gender self-determination and gender violence, access to contraception, trans health, and medical consent information….
The Doula Project provides emotional, physical and informational support to people across the spectrum of pregnancy at no cost to them. …


AAFP Leadership Summit

Join a nationwide community of residency program leaders—program directors, faculty, and administrators—at the upcoming Residency Leadership Summit. At this year’s LIVE event, we’re offering actionable, inspiring ideas; key program updates; and vital networking opportunities…
Join us for three invigorating days where you’ll have the opportunity to meet with hundreds of residency programs, network with your peers, listen to inspiring speakers, and engage in one-of-a-kind experiences….
Brings together leading health professionals to examine and discuss skill development, best practices in patient care, and the most up-to-date clinical content for obstetricians and gynecologists….
Once a year, medical students, physicians and innovators from around the globe convene for a single purpose: to empower future physicians to become leaders — ushers of a more equitable realm of medicine. This…
BMMA’s bi-annual Black Maternal Health Conference and Training Institute (BMHC24) is the official and premiere assembly for Black women, clinicians, professionals, advocates, and all other stakeholders working to improve maternal, sexual, and reproductive health…
The Collective Power Conference is a high energy, national reproductive justice event. An activist launching pad. Leadership training weekend. Movement building, networking and strategy forum. For more than 30 years, our conference has gathered…
This conference will provide an opportunity for obstetricians, gynecologists, doulas, midwives, and medical practitioners to learn how to change the narrative in race in healthcare disparities. Keynote speaker Dr. Sharon Malone has historic roots…
This annual conference is a centerpiece of the Family Medicine Midwest Foundation. This three-day event attracts faculty, resident and medical students from Midwest states to attract and inspire medical students to choose Midwest Family…
The 2024 Annual Meeting will be September 19-21, 2024, in Philadelphia, PA at the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel. Program proposal, award submission and registration deadlines for the FMEC 2024 Annual Meeting will be announced in…
The Family Medicine Experience (FMX), the American Academy of Family Physicians’ (AAFP) largest annual meeting, provides five days of education, networking, inspiration, and patient-centered solutions for thousands of family physicians. Since 1949, this annual…
The International Indigenous Women’s Health Meeting, held every two years, focuses on innovative clinical care models and community‐based public health approaches for women and their families of Indigenous People of North America. During the…

LMSA National Conference

This event represents the latest product of a grassroots, student-driven movement that begins in the 1960’s, aimed at improving healthcare for underserved communities in the United States. To better foster the development of trainees…
This year’s theme, “Un paso más: sin barreras y sin límites,” aims to celebrate groundbreaking Latino achievement and scholarship in medicine and policy. Join us in taking the next steps necessary to improve access…
This year’s virtual conference will focus on a theme of Physicians as Advocates: Liberating Abortion Through Training and Education and will feature pre-conference workshops including Values Clarification, Organizing 101 and Curriculum Reform, as well…
NAPCRG’s Annual Meeting is a forum for primary care researchers from across the globe to gather and present their research, collaborate for new research and foster growth for up-and-coming researchers….
NAF’s Annual Meeting is the primary venue for presentation of the latest research, innovations, and policies that affect abortion care provision around the world. The meeting includes specialized seminars and clinical workshops, as well…
Boldly spotlights the connections between sex, sexuality, and the reproductive health and rights of our families and communities. Opens up conversations about sex, sexuality, bodily autonomy and so much more….
Networking forum for family medicine educators. More than 400 educational and interactive workshops, seminars, lecture-discussions, papers, hot-topic special sessions, and poster presentations….
Acquire skills and resources to educate and empower your medical students to become competent, compassionate, collaborative, and creative physicians to address the health needs of our communities. Network with family medicine educators, coordinators, administrators,…

SRH Organizations

Abortion Coalition for Telemedicine Access (ACT Access) strives to make timely, affordable telemedicine abortion available from licensed providers to people anywhere in the United States….
A consortium of abortion clinics committed to providing opportunities for clinicians to learn abortion care in small group clinical settings….
A professional membership organization for obstetricians and gynecologists, ACOG was founded in 1951 and is dedicated to the improvement of women’s health.The College produces practice guidelines for health care professionals and educational materials for patients, provides practice management and career support, facilitates programs and initiatives to improve women’s health, and advocates for members and patients. With more than 60,000 members spanning the entire career life cycle, ACOG is composed of 12 Districts. These Districts are made up of 98 Sections. ACOG’s Districts and Sections represent various regions, countries, territories, and states in North and South America….
Guttmacher advances sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and worldwide through their interrelated program of research, public education and policy analysis….
Gynuity works globally to ensure that reproductive health technologies are widely available at reasonable cost, provided in the context of high-quality services, and offered in a way that recognizes the dignity and autonomy of each individual….
Cultivates clinicians who offer high-quality, patient-centered, comprehensive reproductive healthcare by generating, curating, and disseminating novel curricula, learning tools, and research for educators….
A global nongovernmental organization dedicated to ending preventable deaths and disabilities from unsafe abortion….
A project of Ibis Reproductive Health, the LAI supports the development of innovative activities and new leadership on later abortion, and support efforts to preserve and expand access to later abortion care. The project includes referral and training resources, as well as fact sheets and language recommendations….
Medical Students for Choice works to create tomorrow’s abortion providers and pro-choice physicians by amplifying student voices….
The Midwest Access Project trains providers in abortion, miscarriage care, contraception, and pregnancy options counseling….
The professional association of abortion providers in North America. The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care….
The Papaya Workshop engagingly teaches manual vacuum aspiration, IUD placement, and other gynecologic skills, using papayas as uterine models….
Unites the medical community and concerned supporters to improve access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including contraception and abortion, especially to meet the health care needs of economically disadvantaged patients….
Offers professional development training and technical assistance on how to give accurate, informed, and non-judgmental referrals for abortion care….
The Reproductive Health Access Project trains, supports, and mobilizes primary care clinicians to ensure equitable access to sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion….
A national initiative to integrate and enhance family planning training for obstetrics and gynecology residents….
The Society of Family Planning (SFP) advances family planning research and education, providing evidence-based insight to improve clinical care in the areas of contraception and abortion. SFP also seeks to cultivate a collaborative and supportive environment to foster scholarly activity and leadership in the areas of reproductive health and family planning….
A national community of academic leaders committed to developing an accomplished family medicine workforce, prepared to serve as the foundation of America’s health care system. Our members include physicians, PAs, nurse practitioners, behavioral health specialists, researchers, nurses and other health care professionals, health system executives, administrators, fellows, residents, students, and others involved in the education of family physicians….
Training in Early Abortion for Comprehensive Healthcare and the Early Abortion Training Workbook provide curricular and practice resources to integrate abortion into primary care….