Are you interested in your residency becoming a RHEDI program?
Perspectives from RHEDI Directors:
RHEDI’s mission is to integrate high-quality, patient-centered abortion and contraception training and services into U.S. family medicine residencies using the Reproductive Justice framework, and more broadly, to mainstream abortion care within family medicine. Integrating comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) training in family medicine normalizes the provision of abortion care within primary care, enhances continuity care for patients, and expands options for those who may prefer to have an abortion in their own physician’s office.
We have supported over 30 family medicine residency programs across the country to become RHEDI programs, and encourage other residencies to work with us to become RHEDI programs!
RHEDI programs report:
RHEDI offers its programs (and prospective programs):
Here’s what you should know:
Criteria for becoming a RHEDI program include:
Additional goals may include a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) residency track and/or area of concentration, policies to increase recruitment and retention of BIPOC and URM faculty and residents, and formal mentorship programs for BIPOC and URM residents.
You can download the full list of program expectations here.
The RHEDI program network is now being coordinated by TEACH. If you are interested in learning more about the certification process, please email
If your program does not have fully-integrated abortion training, but you would like to be listed as a RHEDI-affiliated program, please please email