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It is expressly understood that your use of this site, and the information and services contained on it is conditioned upon your acceptance of the following terms and conditions:The information in provided on this site is provided for informational purposes only as a courtesy of Montefiore Medical Center (“MMC”). It is not the intention of MMC that any information provided on this site is construed as medical or legal advice, and you are advised to consult with appropriate professionals with respect to such matters.As the information and services on this site are being provided as a courtesy to you, MMC undertakes no obligation to confirm or investigate the accessibility, or completeness and accuracy of any of its content, now or at any time in the future. Persons accessing this site assume full responsibility for their use of the information or services available through this site. References to specific products, processes, or services do not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation or warranty by MMC or its affiliates. NEITHER MMC NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES MAKES ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS OR ENDORSEMENTS WHATSOEVER AS TO ANY INFORMATION OR SERVICE PROVIDED THROUGH THIS SITE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THAT THE INFORMATION AND SERVICES WILL BE ERROR FREE OR THAT ANY INFORMATION OR MATERIAL ACCESSED THROUGH THIS SITE WILL BE FREE FROM VIRUSES. NEITHER MMC NOR ITS AFFILIATES WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THAT RESULT IN ANY WAY FROM YOUR USE OR RELIANCE ON INFORMATION OR SERVICES PROVIDED THROUGH THIS SITE. You are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources.This site may include links to other sites that are not owned by or under the control of MMC. Accordingly, MMC is not responsible for, and makes no representations, warranties or recommendations with respect to the usefulness, availability or content of any such sources, and you assume all responsibility with respect to the use of such sites and any and all information or services furnished through such sites.MMC reserves the right from time to time to modify these terms and conditions in its sole discretion by placing a notice of such modification in a clearly marked area, and your continued use of this site following notice of such modification shall be deemed to constitute your acceptance of such modifications. If such modifications are not acceptable to you, it is your responsibility to discontinue using this site.MMC owns or has rights to use the copyright and/or electronic publishing rights for all documents and related graphics available from this site (the “Materials”). Permission to display, cache and print the Materials solely for an individual’s personal use is hereby granted. Other than as expressly permitted, no part of the Materials may be copied, reproduced, used, performed, distributed or redistributed in any form (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems) for any purpose without the express written consent of Montefiore Medical Center.