Confirm pregnancy
Rule out medical contraindications
Determine gestational age≤ 84 days
Counsel on medication abortion process
Document patient’s preferred contact info/method
Rh testing and RhIG (e.g., RhoGAM) administration (for Rh negative patients) not needed for patients <70 days and may be waived before 84d.
Assist patient in determining optimal timing and location for taking each medication
Dispense orprescribe:
Mifepristone Patient Agreement and Medication Guide
Mandated reporting form (per city or state protocol) and required consent forms (facility dependent).
Check for additional steps required by your state
Information for Patients after Medication Abortion
Order initial serum HCG (if patient chose this method for follow-up) to be drawn on day of mifepristone
Follow-up questions to ask in-person or remotely:
AND ONE of the following options:
HSPT negative 5‒6 weeks aftermife
By sonography
By decrease in HCG from initial serum level