Reproductive Health Education in Family Medicine

Working to mainstream abortion care  in family medicine since 2004.

Our Vision

RHEDI envisions a world where full-spectrum sexual and reproductive health care (including contraception, abortion, and all stages of pregnancy care) are offered by family physicians as part of routine care, and every person can receive this care in a just and equitable manner without barriers.

Our Mission


Integrate high quality, patient-centered abortion and contraception training and services into U.S. family medicine residencies using the Reproductive Justice framework.


Mainstream abortion provision
within family medicine.

Our Values

  • Demonstrate respect for and trust in the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) decisions of all patients, especially pregnant people and people capable of becoming pregnant.

  • Resist systemic patterns of racism and white supremacy in SRH care, drawing on the Reproductive Justice framework.

  • Preserve and enhance safe and accessible abortion and contraception services that are free of judgement, stigma, and barriers.

  • Understand how socio-political inequities affect SRH care, and challenge barriers that prevent equitable access.

  • Teach full-spectrum SRH care informed by a human rights framework that uplifts and advocates for Reproductive Justice, and acknowledges the complexity of intersectional identities and experiences.


RHEDI’s Theory of Change aims to improve access to just, equitable abortion care, particularly for BIPOC and other marginalized communities, and to mainstream and destigmatize abortion care within family medicine. To achieve these outcomes, we work to expand and diversify the abortion-trained workforce in family medicine; resist white supremacy in SRH provision and teaching; develop leadership among pro-choice and abortion-providing family physicians; and promote Reproductive Justice, equity, and inclusive perspectives in primary care teaching and practice.